I was thinking it would be great to see some hush girls do an island tour (or even independents with good reputations) and hopefully be able to make it a semi regular thing.. but there doesn't seem to be much interest in it. They are doing well in town and the trip would have to be made worth it. That's fair, I wouldn't want to see them lose out by doing something like that, but if providers from Toronto, or Montreal or Halifax can come down and make the trip worth it there must be something to it?
What are everyone's thoughts on it? Would enough people be willing to pre-book to make something like that happen? Even if it means paying more than you would at the studios.. they are still coming to you which I think makes it worth paying a bit more.
It beats scammers and it beats having nothing that's for sure!
Just interested to get others thoughts on it
Hopefully these forums aren't so forgotten that there's no one left past the overpass here