Unresponsive Ads

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Unresponsive Ads

Post by MatureGuy123 » Thu Apr 07, 2022 1:25 pm

I'd say upwards of 50% of the ads I respond to there is no response. Text, email, chat ... makes no difference. Why are people posting ads and then not responding? They can't always be busy. Some of these SPs have multiple ads up every day, clogging up the site, and then when you respond inquiring about rates or availability you get no reply!!! What's up with that?

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Re: Unresponsive Ads

Post by Hot_Rod » Thu Apr 07, 2022 5:59 pm

I hear ya, brother! Loud and clear!!

It's a real pain in the ass, especially when you see an ad for someone that looks quite promising, and then you reach out to them, only to get nothing in the way of a response. I just posted a similar experience with an SP who's been advertising here for months now (maybe even longer), but every time I reached out to her to book a session, I wouldn't hear from her until the next day, or maybe the day after. This time around, I messaged around 10ish, but it was 3am when she got back to me. Needless to say, I was in bed, but another person in the house was awake and could hear the phone going off indicating I was getting a text message. It was quite inappropriate, and had the potential to be somewhat awkward and compromising. So much for discretion! To make matters worse, when I did reach her, and eventually got a response at a decent hour, she tried to force a car call on me, when I clearly indicated that I wanted incall, going as far as to offer a discount if I would go with a car call. That set off all kinds of red flags for me.

But, she's not the only one who does this. I've had more than a share of opportunities where I'd reach out to an SP based on what appeared to be a promising ad, only to wait days to get a response, or get no response at all. I get the feeling that these SP's might be busy "at the time" that you message, and simply not bother to get back in touch with you. If they're busy when you reach out to them, their mindset seems to be that you will already have found someone else by the time they get back to you, so they don't bother. Frankly, I think that this exhibits poor customer service. I totally get what these girls are offering up in the way of "business", but a lot of them fail to take into consider that this is indeed a "customer service" industry, and the better they treat clients, and potential clients, the better they will be treated in return, either with very generous tips, or repeated bookings, and great referrals. Pretty soon, I'm gonna start naming names on those that I reach out to that I don't hear back from. It's getting to be quite a nuisance.

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Re: Unresponsive Ads

Post by MatureGuy123 » Fri Apr 08, 2022 1:47 am

Yup. I don't understand it at times. I see Jules a good bit. Every time I message she responds. Even if she isn't available at that specific time. And it's appreciated. It's good business.

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Re: Unresponsive Ads

Post by Hot_Rod » Sat Apr 16, 2022 2:19 pm

So... it happened to me again on Thursday night!!!

I was out and about that evening, doing my usual stuff on a Thursday evening. At the end of my run of errands, I was feeling like I had accomplished some major goals of the day, and wanted to reward myself with an awesome relief!! So, I got on the site and started looking through the ads, as I always do, to see if I could find a cute, horny little slut to drain my balls with!!

Long story short, I ended up reaching out to no less than *SEVEN* SP's that night!!

It's getting unreal lately, I gotta tell ya. All these girls are advertising themselves on that particular day, and you send them a message to see if you can arrange something, and you either don't hear from them at all, or it's like 3 or 4 hours before they bother to send you a response, and by then it's way too late!! I didn't get to see ANYONE that night!!

At one point, I was actually chatting with one girl, a newer one that's advertising, and the conversation seemed to be going well, until I reached the point of seeing when she was going to be available that night. Then I stopped hearing from her. This was about 10:30. Frustrated, I decided to just go the fuck home out of it, get a snack, and go to bed. When I got up the next morning, there were 5 messages on my phone, all timed between 1:30 and 3:30 am, from 5 of the different girls I reached out to, including the one I was having the great conversation with, asking what time I wanted to see them **that night**!!! Like, WTF!!!!!

Just so ALL you ladies know, deliberately waiting for several hours before responding to someone looking for an appointment simply doesn't work for us looking for a quick release!!

I mean, a lot of the girls who advertise on the site are directly saying on their ads, "Don't message until you're ready to see me". So, basically, they are saying they only need maybe half an hour's notice to get ready. However, these are the same girls that are not responding for several hours after you message them!! So, what's the deal!! Are they fake, and just pulling your leg?? Or, are they legit, but they don't actually want to see me specifically, and don't want to say?? If that's the case, they don't know what they're missing out on (besides the cash)!! :)

I get that you may be getting a LOT of messages from guys, and that it takes time to actually respond to them. But, Ladies, MAKE THAT TIME!! Even if you can't meet with someone that night when they request it. Take the 60 seconds or so that it takes to send a response to say you're not available that evening, or set a time that you will be available and see if we want to see you at that time. That's NOT that difficult, and it will do wonders for your building up a client base of trusted guys you can count on for regular business!! All you're doing by ghosting us, or ignoring our messages for HOURS (and in some cases, DAYS) at a time is letting us know that you couldn't be bothered to arrange to see us, (even though you're advertising your services for precisely that reason!!) and that also lets us know that we shouldn't bother to try to make future efforts to see you as well. And some of us will turn out to be your best clients, if you let us!!!!

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Re: Unresponsive Ads

Post by Evanescavery » Mon Apr 18, 2022 12:05 am

If i could offer my side- i totaallllly understand your frusteration, and in your place i would be super annoyed, being new to NL still learning the area/clients etc, and i appreciate your input that helps me view it from your side, ill make sure to atleased send a ""hey, super tired, msg me another timexo" message- as often as i can!
    But, Ladies, MAKE THAT TIME!! Even if you can't meet with someone that night when they request it. Take the 60 seconds or so that it takes to send a response to say you're not available that evening, or set a time that you will be available and see if we want to see you at that time. That's NOT that difficult,

    Remeber, that 60 seconds for 100 messages would be well over 1 hr of me sitting on my phone messaging, its just not feasible sometimes. And for mysef, i do (rarely) fall asleep without planning, but i feel bad! But, ive got another job, a toddler, a house, etc etc. Not to make excuses, but just remember, we are damn tired sometimes- and thees a lot of dumb scammers that ruin it for everyone, once i know someone, im sure to put them at the top, give them personals etc.

    this is my frusteration.... i post an add, i get 100 people that add me, many of these guys just want to chat, waste time, ask for nudes..- i literally cant respond to every one. messages end up getting lost, etc. I consistently try to delete those that either arent from NL, arent appropriate, or re obviouly just messing with you- however i literally DONT have the time. Not regarding yourself- but other guys, please...dont messgae us with "hey sup and then we respond with, "hi, how are you" and then you respond "not bad" or ask for free vids/nudes etc. PLEASE just flat out tell us what you want, or what youd like to know- because i cannot keep up, i find that when im ready and want to see someone, i can barely even make it happen. I dont know i you guys understand just HOW many messages we get that are just scams/jerks/time wasters.

    In my case, im trying to start out and buld up clients and figure out who is full of it, and ive learnt, i just respond with "hi!! let me know if you want to see me or have any questions- thanks!". So, men, try and be a bit blunt- if you can tell a girl is slow at responding..and us ladies, yes, we can deifnitley atleased say "hey, im super busy tonight! we can chat tmro? " I appreciate the comment, to see your sid also, that must have been super frusterating, im sorry!

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    Re: Unresponsive Ads

    Post by Hot_Rod » Mon Apr 18, 2022 8:25 pm

    Hi there Avery... Thanks for your input! I'm making this response public, hope you don't mind.

    You've raised a number of interesting points in your message, so I'll try to address as much as I can separately, knowing that some of the points raised tend to blend together based on similar themes.

    First off, I need to tell you that I saw the video you "tried" to make on Snapchat addressing our concerns from your own point of view. However, it seems that the video cut off as soon as you got to the phrase "My point of view was to...". So, I'm hoping that your written response in the forum as a sum up of that video.

    I also feel the need to point out that referring to clients openly voicing or posting concerns about a obviously disconcerting trend as "these men bitching..." is probably not the best way to get your point across, especially if you're trying to convince us that you "Totally get where we're coming from". Some of us have been clients in this industry for a long time, so our opinions actually mean something, and carry significant weight within the community.

    Your comment:
    If i could offer my side- i totaallllly understand your frusteration, and in your place i would be super annoyed, being new to NL still learning the area/clients etc, and i appreciate your input that helps me view it from your side, ill make sure to atleased send a ""hey, super tired, msg me another timexo" message- as often as i can!

    My response:
    That's all we are asking for. Just a little common courtesy. Look I get that there are scumbag guys out there trying to scam their way into free sessions, reduced prices, and free pictures. However, on the other side of that coin, there are equally scumbag so-called "Providers" that are out to make a quick buck, are so wrecked on drugs most of the time that I wonder how they're able to make an ad at all!!, or have their boyfriends waiting behind the door so they can attack or rob you as soon as you get in. It's an all too familiar scam that's happening all the time, from both sides of the floor. However, I'd prefer to deal with genuine, legitimate concerns voiced by regular long time customers, about supposedly regular, long-time advertising girls, who seem to be avoiding or ignoring these good clients at the risk of losing business from them.

    Since you're admittedly new here, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt until I've had the pleasure of meeting you one on one for a session, which I hope will be soon.

    My original comment:
    But, Ladies, MAKE THAT TIME!! Even if you can't meet with someone that night when they request it. Take the 60 seconds or so that it takes to send a response to say you're not available that evening, or set a time that you will be available and see if we want to see you at that time. That's NOT that difficult,

    Your response:
    Remeber, that 60 seconds for 100 messages would be well over 1 hr of me sitting on my phone messaging, its just not feasible sometimes. And for mysef, i do (rarely) fall asleep without planning, but i feel bad! But, ive got another job, a toddler, a house, etc etc. Not to make excuses, but just remember, we are damn tired sometimes- and thees a lot of dumb scammers that ruin it for everyone, once i know someone, im sure to put them at the top, give them personals etc.

    My reply:
    That might be true, if you were forced to read every message all at once, and try to respond to each one individually all at once. But, I'm pretty certain that most messages would come throughout the day, and you wouldn't have to respond to all the messages in one sitting. I can tell you that most clients who message looking for a hook up are quite content to wait even up to an hour or so for a response, even if that response is "sorry, I'm not available for the time being, but feel free to try tomorrow", or "I'm booked up for clients for the night, sorry!" Ignoring messages altogether, or engaging someone, and then ghosting them afterwards, sends the message to the client that you don't have any interest in providing your services to that client, and I'll guarantee they'll be more than happy to take their money to someone else. That's NOT something you want just starting out here. Now, I'm a different breed altogether, do don't judge the overall actions of clients in general by my actions in particular. I do like to get great service, and I'm willing to pay fair value for what it's worth. So, I don't like to be overcharged, and I'll always tip good providers that go above and beyond to provide that service.

    That said, I can also tell when someone is not really interested in providing a good customer service experience for the client (yes, that is actually a thing in your industry!) And, you'd probably be amazed how many girls here think that all they have to do is put up an ad, and ask for an outrageous price their first time out of the gate, and expect to get it, or think there's something wrong with the client because we refuse to cough up that much dough to get our dicks sucked, or to get fucked. Believe me, there's lots out there that provide only that, and frankly, they're only worth the $40 to $60 they're asking for a blowjob. On the other hand, there are ladies out there who are providing top notch service, for the same low price, and could easily charge more than they're asking for. It's like the mouse with the big chunk of cheese. If they take only a small piece and only come back when needed, there'll always be cheese left to come back for. But if you take the larger chunk, it'll all be gone, and there won't be any more to go back for. THere are ladies here who charge a little more than the industry standard, and they deserve it!! Mostly because they've been at it for several years, know their clientele very well, and know what pleases them, and go out of their way to make most of the client's expectations happen. When you get to that point, I'm sure you'll be justified in charging $200 per half hour for your time. But just out of the gate, and with no reviews from local clients to back up the quality of service you may provide, you'll have a hard time building up a local client base asking that much straight out. I'd suggest determining what the local standard rates are around town, for incall, outcall, and car calls, and modify them to your own needs accordingly.

    Good luck in your efforts, and if needed, I'll do what I can to make your foray into the industry work for you.

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    Re: Unresponsive Ads

    Post by MatureGuy123 » Tue Apr 19, 2022 11:50 am

    I'll add another comment, as I was the original one "bitching" lol.

    I don't mean or want to be a time waster. I certainly have better things to do and money to make by working. But when I contact a new SP there has to be a feeling out period. It's part of my due diligence and perhaps a reason why I have never been scammed or ripped off. I'm not looking for free nudes as there are millions of free nudes on the internet anyway lol. If you don't have one in your ad, a pic, doesn't have to be a nude, or a full face pic, then yes I may ask for one. And I may ask for a recent one, if your pic looks like it's from 1987. I have been burnt by that one. There are current ads on this site that the pics haven't changed in the couple of years since I first discovered it. And kudos to Admin here as it's a great site providing lots of folks opportunity to buy or sell service. Pisses me off the skeets and assholes that abuse it.

    So from a few brief exchanges I'm hoping to feel out a provider a bit. Some ads are so lame that you know its a scam from a quick glance. But I'm not going to put myself in a situation like Hot Rod described.

    I have already used Jules as an example so I'll elaborate a bit. When I first contacted her there were several texts exchanged. Me asking questions about rates, location, etc. The responses were punctual and professional. It put my mind at ease a bit so I was ready to take that plunge. I did, have developed into a bit of a regular, so now when I text it's just quick to the point. "Are you seeing clients today?" "Yes what time are you looking at?" If she's not immediately available she'll tell me. Not just leave it hanging. It's a professional service.

    If I try and contact a SP and there's no contact at first I may try again. People have lives. But it is frustrating when you have seen an ad being posted everyday for months and when you inquire here is no reply.

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    Re: Unresponsive Ads

    Post by Hot_Rod » Tue Apr 19, 2022 12:44 pm

    Thanks for that response, MatureGuy! Pretty much encapsulates what I'm trying to convey in my posts on this subject! I firmly believe that SP's and what they do make up a "customer service" business, and as such, I feel that both ends of the industry are best served when the provider actually treats what they do as a "business", as opposed to a quick, fly-by-night "scheme" to make a few quick dollars to feed a habit. To be clear, I'm not saying that all SP's are doing this. I know of quite a few that go that extra mile to provide an excellent experience for their customers, and I'm more than happy to give these ladies my business each and every time I book a session with them. But there are also those that just see it as a means to an end, and will either not make the effort to put their best foot forward, or, in opposition, will go out of their way to try to secure those client dollars without actually providing any kind of service at all. I've run into a few of those in my day as well.

    Now, as I mentioned in another post, I'm a bit of a different breed of client altogether. While I do enjoy seeing the few trusted regular ladies that I do see from time to time, I also want to try to "promote" new talent that comes into the industry. This is part of the reason that I try to reach out to ladies I either haven't seen before, or are brand new (as they indicate in their ads on NL Adult). Many of you know that I try to do a "review" of any lady I see that is "new to me". One of the main reasons is so that we can determine if the provider is indeed "legitimate", so we can find out rather quickly who to avoid (yes, that means I'm taking a bit of a risk in seeking out those who are untested!). I also like to let other clients get an idea of what to expect when they book a session with that lady. Keep in mind, of course, that with any service provider, your mileage may vary. Different people like different things, so what works for one client may not be another's cup of tea. My reviews are my own personal experience with a specific gal. Other clients may have a completely different experience with the same lady, which is cool! At the very least.. good, bad, or indifferent, you will know that you can (most likely) trust that you can read a review, know that the provider is legit, and have some idea of what is provided when you reach out. I will continue to do this as long as the body is willing, and the wallet is capable. Lol!!

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    Re: Unresponsive Ads

    Post by MatureGuy123 » Tue Apr 19, 2022 11:55 pm

    Always enjoy your reviews Hot Rod and have found a few very helpful. Keep up the good work!!! I know it's a rough job!!!! Lol

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    Re: Unresponsive Ads

    Post by Newfmatt » Wed Apr 20, 2022 5:21 pm

    Over the last two days I have contacted 14 ladies who have been regularly posting their ads. I received responses from 3. Some I messaged just minutes after their ad was posted. I have a few regulars that I see bit I like to try out different talent from time to time. My question to the ladies is, why post an ad on the site if you have no intention of responding? Furthermore, why post the hours that you're available if you have no intention of responding?
    I have never been a no show or even late to a meeting, so I don't think my number is passed around or flagged. I'm always respectful and I leave an extra tip if the service or personality warrants it.
    I've lived in a few cities in Canada and I have never found escorts so unwilling to take someones money.

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