Time waster/inappropriate/harassment

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Time waster/inappropriate/harassment

Post by Sugar*Wendy* » Sat Nov 23, 2019 10:42 pm

Watch out for Ghalib Teleb on Snapchat

Said he was ready for action & had the money.
When he finally arrived, he came in, asked how long - told him up to 30 mins. He said he thought $100 got him an hr of anal. Then asked for my wifi password. Umm you aren’t here to Facebook. Then asked how much I pay for my apartment then called me rude for saying it’s none of his business.

Then he tried to barter. Said he wanted 40 mins. I told him I don’t negotiate. When he persisted, I repeatedly yelled at him to leave & locked him out.

He then knocked on my door apologizing for a further 10 mins. I had to threaten calling the police.

What a piece of work. That experience was not worth it.

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Re: Time waster/inappropriate/harassment

Post by Hot_Rod » Tue Jan 14, 2020 5:51 pm

Hi Wendy! Just reading this. So sorry you had to experience that. Let me tell you, from an experienced, if not infrequent, hobbyist, that we're not all like that. There are actually a good core of customers that really appreciate the work that the legit providers do. For my own experience, I try to make sure that when I see a provider, I treat her with the utmost respect, ask questions up front so we both know the expectations and ground rules going into the session, and I always post a kind, but honest review in the group afterwards, so that others can know what to expect, and whether the provider was indeed legit. It's too bad that more providers don't do the same, and do "reviews" of good and "horrible" customers! That would make the whole network work so much better for BOTH sides of the industry.

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