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Miss Big Booty... BIG disappointment!!

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2021 4:22 pm
by Hot_Rod
Hey guys... Made an incall session with Miss Big Booty the other night. I anticipated good things because I'd had a car date with her a couple of months back that was pretty good. At that time, she was very friendly. We had a great on the way to the site where the service was to take place, and the service itself was quite good.

Fast forward to the other night...
Not so much...

She lives in "The courts", an area off Elizabeth Avenue, near the University (I won't say which one, for privacy reasons. I drive up to the area and park the car and I message her that I'm in the area. She directs me to the "Front door". I didn't realize it at the time, but the parking area leads into the rear entrances of the units. So I walk around to the front of her unit and I wait to be let in, and I notice the "lattice" pattern in her door window. Only, when I get inside, I notice that it's "Double pane" glass, and the inside pane is smashed in, and left there. There's junk piled up in what passes for the living room, but hey, I'm not there for the decor... :)

She leads me up to her bedroom, and then she spends the next 5-10 minutes trying to find a condom, which she hands to me with hardly a word spoken up to this point. Then I remove my pants, and she removes my undies, and I get comfy on the bed.. Then she starts to suck me off, and it's ok, I'm trying to get into it as much as I can while trying to shake off the "Sketched-out" feeling I've been having since I got there. Then she alternates between short sucks and pulling me off. Then she stops after about 5 minutes and instructs me to put the condom on (which I'd been holding in my hands from the beginning). I put it on, and get on top of her and put it inside, and start fucking her. Through the entire fuck session, she's basically looking at the walls, and not saying a word. Somewhere along the way, she starts "scratching" my back up and down with her nails.. not sure if it was supposed to enhance the moment, but all it did was make my back irritated and make me somewhat uncomfortable. It took me the longest time to finally get off, so much so that my stomach muscles are still hurting from the experience (This was Thursday, it's now Sunday!) After I was done, I got up, and removed the condom. I thanked her for her time, she thanked me back, then I got dressed and left.

That was it...

There was almost NO interaction between us, very much UNLIKE the previous car date, the act itself was hum-drum, almost like she couldn't wait for it to be over. She seemed a bit pre-occupied, like she had something on her mind the whole time. Wasn't fun at all.

All in all, really wasn't worth the cash ($120), given the experience. Some service providers need to understand that clients are paying good money for these sessions, so they expect a certain level of participation other than a moist warm hole to stick your dick in. Sadly, that's how I felt with this session. In all the SP's I've seen over the past few years, this was the first time that I really DIDN'T enjoy my time. Then again, maybe I'm just spoiled by the past couple of sessions I've had with some very excellent ladies (You know who you are!).

And, to Miss Big Booty, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you this at the end of our session, but the truth is, a client has every right to expect good service at the time of the session, and shouldn't need to be critical of it while still at the provider's address. Besides, one never knows what one will have to deal with after the fact. Frankly, that's the time to say "Thanks" and leave, not get into an argument about how good (or bad) the service was. You just never know...

Anyway, Guys.. that's how it was.. hope you find some benefit to this review. I'm not likely to repeat the experience any time soon. However, as with any SP, and any client's experiences, your mileage may vary. You may find her great... I know I did the first time, but this second experience, for me, did not live up to the expectations I had.

Happy hunting to you all!!!
HotRod (The Hot MOD)

Re: Miss Big Booty... BIG disappointment!!

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2021 12:44 pm
by Lookingforf1400
Thanks HotRod for the review!
Your reviews are great!
Keep em coming 😊

Re: Miss Big Booty... BIG disappointment!!

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2021 12:09 pm
by Hot_Rod
You're kindly welcome! :)

Re: Miss Big Booty... BIG disappointment!!

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2021 6:05 am
by nastylover74
Thank you. Almost called her.

Re: Miss Big Booty... BIG disappointment!!

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2021 1:27 pm
by Billybob
I met her good looking girl but not worth going back .