Unresponsive Ads

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Re: Unresponsive Ads

Post by Looking4Uxox » Thu Apr 21, 2022 2:03 am

A good discussion thread with some understandable questions/frustrations. I'm sure those SP's who are interested do take note! And those that are not interested or able to provide this level of client service get what they need and want out of their work maybe? However their availability is listed...
Admin did try to work in the equivalent of a "Red light on" with the "Available" option on/off by the Adds btw, but its a little impracticle, sadly, and never was really used.
Not good for some, but the solution is already there: go to Hush, lol. At least until 11, there is at least a committment to a SP being there! And outside of that, i think its probably more productive to share and give kudos to those who are known to be reliably and regularly *available*, then trying to extract responses from those who are neither full time workers nor reliable correspondents for various reasons! And there are reasons i'm sure.
That's just my opinion. But i do get that it can be frustrsting to msg and not hear back, or hear back late. Been there!

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Re: Unresponsive Ads

Post by Hot_Rod » Thu Apr 21, 2022 12:57 pm

Hey, Looking4Uxox! Thanks for your input! It certainly is a great discussion, and having a fresh opinion and perspective on this topic never hurts!!

I totally get were you're coming from with respect to the "Available/Unavailable" tag that shows up on the front page of a SP's ad. It is indeed sad that it isn't working the way it was intended. My feeling, though, is that it doesn't work mostly because a lot of the SP's don't realize that it's there, or as you've suggested, don't want to go through the hassle of toggling their status in their profile settings. I guess it's just easier for those that know it's there to always have themselves marked as available, rather than having to switch it back and forth when they go off for the night. It's definitely a great way to let their clients know that they are, indeed, available for service at a given time, without having to "turn off" and "turn on" their ad's all the time (and, of course, some don't even bother with that!).

That said, my original post wasn't intended to "extract a response" from ladies who aren't likely to respond either way. In fact, most of the ladies I reached out to are well known by their ads, and advertise their availability regularly. I've even done business with some of them in the past, which is why I reached out to them in the first place. One of the reasons that I post, when I can, reviews about my experiences with the various SP's I see is exactly for this reason!! It's not just to give kudos to those wonderful ladies who provide exceptional service, and it's not just to point out the deficiencies in those who are less than stellar in what they offer. Sometimes, it's necessary to give a "shout out", if you will, to those who fail to provide service, or those who simply choose not to respond at all. Unfortunately, this is part of the experience that we, as clients, have to face when making an attempt to hook up with a SP. So, my post was not geared at "forcing" a response from the unresponsive, but to let guys know that it's been happening far more often lately than usual, and to let them know to expect that sort of thing, especially those who are infrequent clients, or completely new. I've been doing this for several years now, and to date, I haven't experienced the level of "Quiet ambivalence" from certain SPs that I have in the past 2 weeks.

As for Hush, and the other "Studios", that is indeed an option for some clients; and, it can be a "safe haven" for those who are reluctant to take the chance of trying to book with freelance providers in the area. However, given the price structure of Hush and The Studio (hush), paying anywhere from $200-$300 for a half hour session can be a bit beyond the budget of most casual clients. A lot of us are just simple working Joes who, for whatever the reason, are lacking intimacy contact at home, or are looking for an occasional release without being bogged down by a long-term commitment. Either way, that kind of expenditure for a quick lay puts a lot of the Studio ladies out of reach. I'm not knocking that at all, guys!! It's definitely a viable option if your wallet is capable of sustaining that kind of hit on a regular basis. But, at the frequency at which I prevail of SP's and what they offer, I need something a bit more within my budget. I'm sure a lot of the guys here feel the same way. I understand that the Red Room actually straight up rents the rooms there out to the girls, and they are free to charge their own rates. However, some of their ads still make it look like they offer a "Studio" based massage session for a set price, with an extra fee for "upgrades". This doesn't make sense to me since the Hush website makes it clear that the girls at the Red Room are "Independent Agents", and are not working under the fee structure of the other studios. Hopefully one of the ladies at the Red Room can clarify this glaring discrepancy for me.

And, I can't end this post without giving a word of "Kudos!!" to Admin for devising the "Trusted Seller" tag, so that new and frequent clients alike can feel safe booking with regular, trustworthy providers!! At least that takes some of the uncertainty out of the equation. I'm sure it also has improved the workload of some of the more regular and trustworthy ladies out there. Keep in mind, though, that there are new ladies coming onto the scene all the time. The only drawback to the "Tag" is that for newer ladies, it's gonna be hard for them to get a secure client list if no one gives them a fair shake. I know it may be difficult, but at some point, someone has to contact these newer girls, and book sessions with them. I have no issue with doing that, and provide a review (good, bad, or indifferent). If enough of Admin's circle of well known and trusted clients do this, and pass on the word to Admin, we can get more of the trustworthy "newer" SP's a "tag" as well. Hopefully, that will help decrease the amount of "No Response" situations for clients, and everyone wins!!

Have a great day, all, and Happy Hunting!!

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Re: Unresponsive Ads

Post by Evanescavery » Sun Apr 24, 2022 7:46 am

My personal snapchat stories are what i vent, do my thing, whatever. Im not going to be studied and picked aart for what i say- its your choice to follow or not... My comment was NOT regarding only the forum, however some men that literally call me screaming, threatening me or hrassing me because i dont respond- so sorry, if it seemed personal, it wasnt, i was just frusterated- with men calling me saying"i owe them" etc. But, surpirsed you followed me, with such clear disgust for me.

I will set my own prices- if im not getting clients, i will lower the, its not really your place to say how much i can or should charge- lol. im not sure how this turned into a "lets insult all of averys buisness decisions and personal qualities"

****I was literally just trying to provide my input as to why we tak long to reply, iving healthy feedback... - instead, my entire precence on here- everything ive posted, said etc - was picked apart and ridiculued? I thought before i posted- maybe i shouldnt, they might make it personal. But, i thought- no, this is (hopefully) a safe forum, where we can just post our opinions and have a positive, constructive conversation- as adults

So! now i know, thanks, for taking all my personal- private decisions, making them public, and picking them apart! *my personal snap, prices, looks..etc like seriously?, im floored**

Wasnt this, "why do we take too long to reply?" forum?
Clearly, i have learnt i will no longer be responding or posting on here- but thanks for the positive, conversation. I definitley feel like i can voice my opinion- as usual. Why would we get to post our sides of things anyways?

All the best dudes- as im new and still learning, obviously you have the experience, etc. Give a girl a break- i was trying to provide inut as someone new thats super overwhlemed with messages. let me learn, if youd like to talk about my personal stuff on a forum about unresponsive adds, thats cool- just remmeber, i was tyring to be friendly, and engage in effectve, constructive conversation- not talk about my life... <3

sooo... who wants to sleeover?? 7, 600 for the night!

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Re: Unresponsive Ads

Post by Hot_Rod » Sun Apr 24, 2022 2:19 pm

Wow!! You certainly gave me an eyeful this morning!! A lot to digest here, so I hope you don't mind, but I'll take it one point at a time. Apologies for the extremely long post...
My personal snapchat stories are what i vent, do my thing, whatever. Im not going to be studied and picked aart for what i say- its your choice to follow or not... My comment was NOT regarding only the forum, however some men that literally call me screaming, threatening me or hrassing me because i dont respond- so sorry, if it seemed personal, it wasnt, i was just frusterated- with men calling me saying"i owe them" etc. But, surpirsed you followed me, with such clear disgust for me.
You're absolutely right! Your Snapchat "ads", or whatever you want to call them, are your own personal rant, and I would defend (to the end) your right to have a say! However, your video DID actually preface your comment by stating directly that it was about the comments made in the Forum. If it was meant to be a more general commentary about the abuse you take by assholes who scream at, threaten, or harass you in any way, your presentation did not make that clear. Especially since you'd already stated that your video was a response to the comments made on the Forum. I don't have any "disgust" for you at all. That is a definite misconception on your part, which I hope will be made clear in the remaining text of this message.

Also, I would also point out that the behaviour exhibited to you by some of the obvious Neandertals on the site does not reflect the more sensible clientele who are more interested in actually booking you for services. And, you're right! That sort of nonsense shouldn't be tolerated... by ANYONE!

As for you being "studied" and "picked apart", nothing could have been further from the truth. However, while you may feel that Snapchat is your own "personal" space to rant (and you're more than welcome to do so!), it IS a public space, and once you present an opinion, at that point, it becomes subject to open debate and discussion. You may not like that, but since you chose to make those comments, you should also be willing to accept criticism (and praise!) for your statements, just as you seem to expect me to do with your response to my message here on the Forum.
I will set my own prices- if im not getting clients, i will lower the, its not really your place to say how much i can or should charge- lol. im not sure how this turned into a "lets insult all of averys buisness decisions and personal qualities"
You're right! It's *not* my place to *tell* you how to run your personal business. I'm sorry if my suggestion came off that way. But it was just that... a suggestion. I don't see anything that was directed at you personally though. Certainly not anything you should have found "Insulting". You may mock the amount of experience I have in this industry, from the clients' side of things, but I've seen quite a number of SPs over the years, and it has been that experience with them that tells me what the general trend is with the rates most of them charge. I totally get that it's up to you how you choose to set your rates. My only intent here was to offer up a piece of advice to someone new in the industry, in the hopes that it would help you get lots of work (if that's your choice), and was no way an attempt to "control" how you do business. In the end, it's totally your choice how much you charge, just like, in the end, it's totally up to the client if they want to accept that rate and agree to do business with you. It's all about choice...
I was literally just trying to provide my input as to why we tak long to reply, iving healthy feedback... - instead, my entire precence on here- everything ive posted, said etc - was picked apart and ridiculued? I thought before i posted- maybe i shouldnt, they might make it personal. But, i thought- no, this is (hopefully) a safe forum, where we can just post our opinions and have a positive, constructive conversation- as adults
So! now i know, thanks, for taking all my personal- private decisions, making them public, and picking them apart! *my personal snap, prices, looks..etc like seriously?, im floored**
Your input is *more* than welcome, as always! However, Nothing you said was *ridiculed* in any way! You offered your input on what you felt were reasons why SP's might take longer to respond, or not respond at all. Granted, and accepted. And, I'm grateful for your comments! However, you also posted that you "have another job, a toddler, a house, etc"... you did that, **All on your own!!** And, I didn't even make a comment on any of that!! I also have to take exception to your assertion that I made any kind of remark about your looks, one way or the other. Frankly, since I've seen your snap photos (and I'm sure I'm not the only one), all I would say about your looks is that you're a beautiful young lady. However, up to this point, I have not made any comments about your looks one way or the other. To be honest, I generally don't make decisions on booking a session with an SP based solely on looks; in fact, it's mostly based on price, availability, and, most importantly, perception of the quality of service I would receive based on my contact with the provider. It's amazing what you can learn from someone based on their attitude when you make contact with them.

As for your perception that I'm picking apart your "entire presence" on here... I'm not sure where that's coming from at all!!! I commented on the comments you made in your video, and the comments you made here on the forum. By posting the video in the first place, on Snapchat, you made your opinions VERY public. Snapchat, Like Twitter, Facebook, and most other forms of social media, is NOT a "private" service, and anything you post on it becomes public domain, and open to ANYONE commenting on it. I chose to comment here, on the Forum, because what you said in your video was addressed to those of us who made complaints in the Forum, so I thought it was the appropriate place to respond.

Maybe your misconception of my "Picking apart" your life comes from my having quoted so much of your message when I posted my response. Clearly, you had no issue with "quoting" parts of my message when you responded, so you could further emphasize your own point, when it was necessary. I simply did the same. Only difference? You made a number of points that I felt I had to respond to, so I chose to include the text of your comments, so there was a base of reference. Several points made, several times I quoted a piece of your message. I've done the same thing in this message as well, but to a larger degree. Is that "picking apart" your very presence on the site?? Hardly! It's just the way I chose to respond to your message. And, your "safety" in posting to this (or any other) forum is never an issue here! You're free to post anything you want (within reason), safe in the knowledge that the worst that will happen here is that someone like myself might post a rebuttal. There will never be any screaming, threatening, or harassing language directed at you from me one way or the other. Keep in mind, though, that while you have every right to say what's on your mind in the forms (short of making threats against people), I have every right to offer up a commentary that may disagree with you. That's how "debate" and "discussion" work!

Beyond that, your prices are your prices. I certainly didn't "pick them apart" at all.

However, I did make the *general* statement that there have been a bunch of very brand new providers come on the site and charge overly expensive rates as soon as they hit the industry for the first time. I can also tell you that a lot of these ladies are no longer in the industry, and I can only guess that it was because they priced themselves out of the market way too early, while there are others that adjusted their prices accordingly, and are still in the industry doing quite well for themselves. However, as you and I have both stated at this point, it's not for me to tell you what to charge, and my message was more of a way of letting you now what I've seen from the thousands of ads that I've seen here in my time as a client, in the hopes that you could benefit from the advice. If it came across as anything other than that, then, again, I apologize.
Wasnt this, "why do we take too long to reply?" forum? Clearly, i have learnt i will no longer be responding or posting on here- but thanks for the positive, conversation. I definitley feel like i can voice my opinion- as usual. Why would we get to post our sides of things anyways?
Sarcasm aside, as mentioned earlier, you have every right (and freedom) to post your side of ANY discussion. I (and anyone else on here) have every right to disagree with any point you choose to make, and offer my own feelings on it. You have every right to comment on that commentary, etc, etc. You can post any opinion you have on this forum, and I will back you up on your right and ability to have your say. However, that doesn't mean that the things you say will go uncontested one way or the other. And, offering up a contrary opinion to your own does not necessarily constitute an attack on you. If you choose not to post, that will be rather unfortunate, but, at the end of the day, that is indeed your choice, and I will respect that choice either way. Just know, the forum is always here for you to have your say on any topic you choose to comment on.
All the best dudes- as im new and still learning, obviously you have the experience, etc. Give a girl a break- i was trying to provide inut as someone new thats super overwhlemed with messages. let me learn, if youd like to talk about my personal stuff on a forum about unresponsive adds, thats cool- just remmeber, i was tyring to be friendly, and engage in effectve, constructive conversation- not talk about my life... <3
Again, since you are admittedly new, and learning, I honestly and genuinely thought I was simply offering advice to someone who was open to praise and criticism equally. My mistake, and I apologize for the way I came off. If you want to learn (assumedly, on your own, by trial and error), then I won't impede that journey in any way, going forward. However, if I may be allowed one piece of advice in parting... don't assume anything you post in a PUBLIC forum (like social media outlets) is PRIVATE!
sooo... who wants to sleeover?? 7, 600 for the night!
So.. is that $7,600, or was it that you're available at 7:00, and $600 for the night? Can't really tell!! :lol:

Seriously, though... all the best to you! I definitely meant no harm in my original post, nor do I mean any with this one. And, I'm still open to having a visit with you at some point in the future, if(and when) the circumstances permit. Take care!

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